Jorge Chapa put together a piece on the Giant Anaconda Tube Generates Energy from Waves! This is a snake-like rubber tube float that floats in the ocean that could prove that wave energy conversion is an economically viable solution to meet our power needs. At least that is what the creators of the Anaconda device are hoping will happen. The Anaconda was designed in the UK by Francis Farley and Rod Rainey, the Anaconda is a very simple giant rubber tube that generates energy by bobbing up and down in the water.
Electricity is generated via the up-and-down motion of the waves. The waves will hit one end of the tube, thus creating a bulge which is pushed from one end to the other. The bulge becomes bigger and bigger as it runs down the tube until it hits the generator, where the water turns a turbine, and generates electricity. I think this is just the beginning of something we will see more of.
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