Dust Factory Vintage Wholesale Clothing Vintage 1980’s Nylon Sports jackets
“Beat Street is the King of the beat, start rocking those feet from across the street…” Do you remember when break dancing first came out in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s? Along with this new style of dancing came a new style of fashion that followed close behind. The nylon baseball jacket was no longer just worn at little league baseball practice or high school games but as a fashion icon representing a street culture. Brands like Adidas and Puma became to gain recognition outside of the sport culture and became fashionable pieces for Hip-Hop artists and Rock Bands that began to change the way we viewed fashion.

The Dust Factory Collection of Nylon Sport Jackets is a collection of vintage 1980’s Nylon Jackets. The collection consists of sports teams, vintage recreation sports and more.
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