How To… and How Not To Wear Boots


how to wear motorcycle bootsOk it is that time of year again, or that time when fashion completes a cycle and boots are back in style. Well the truth of the matter is that they have been back in style for a while, and now not only are hipster little girls rocking the motorcycle boots and the Doc Martins over their skinny jeans or leggings, but their Prada tote bag carrying mothers are rocking the western boots and fashion boots as well. With so many different types of boots and different styles to wear them with the questions has to be raised, “Is there a wrong way to wear boots?” Well the answer to this questions lies in the mind of the beholder, the simple answer is… perhaps? However the correct answer will depend upon what perspective you take towards the question. One could just as easily as asked, “Is there a right way to wear boots,” or “how do you wear motorcycle boots with an outfit,” taking this into consideration, if there is a right way to wear boots, or directions on how to wear boots, then the obvious answer is, yes, there is wrong way to wear to boots.
how to wear boots
The correct way, or another way to put that would be to say, one way to wear boots is to make sure the pants or leggings that you are wearing are tight fitting so that you can tuck them into the boot. Let’s face it, we are not trying to look like June Carter Cash or a Cowgirl right off of the rodeo circuit, we are not going to wear these boots with boot-cut jeans and a large belt buckle, these are to be worn with something tight and dare I say a little revealing. Up top you can wear a over sized shirt to cover up your ASS-ets if need be, or tight little blouse to let is all show. The wrong way to do this would be to wear your pants over the boot, or wear something to revealing that does not work with your body.
If you think that skinny jeans are for toddler teenie-boppers and those  leggings are just to 1990, then try wearing your boots with a fashionable skirt or mini dress.

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One response to “How To… and How Not To Wear Boots”

  1. Special on Vintage Cowboy Western Boots Wholesale | Vintage Clothing Wholesale Dust Factory Fashion & Recycling

    […] vintage western boots. Someone already did all of the hard work of wearing them in, giving them the perfect look and feel. Another great thing about vintage boots is their construction, they were built to last. […]

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